Whistle-Blower Name-Dropping

Pam Davis with Funny Motivational Speaker Tim
Pam Davis with Funny Motivational Speaker Tim

One of my favorite recent photos: This is me with Pamela Davis, CEO of Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare, when I spoke for them in September. If you know her name, it's probably because she was named as one of the 20 Most Powerful Women in Chicago Business and was profiled by many news outfits for her role in bringing down former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

She got angry after Blago attempted to shake her down — he demanded that her hospital hire a politically connected construction firm, or the state would deny the hospital's plans for expansion. So she agreed to wear a wire for the FBI and record certain conversations for eight months, and the rest is history.

Pretty amazing and resourceful, and proves what a grandmother of six can do if you push her too far. I found her to be an incredible speaker, quick-witted and a person you'd want to sit down and kibitz with. I could see why others trust, like, and respect her. I'm relieved to know that there are those in powerful positions who still exceed their title and expectations.

You can read her story here ... And here she is on the list of 20 Most Powerful Women.


Saturday Night Comedy Show


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